Bhaktapur Durbar Square: A Jewel Among Nepal's Tourist Attractions



Nepal, known for its rich history and stunning landscapes, is home to many cultural and historical treasures. One of the most significant among these is Bhaktapur Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the Kathmandu Valley. This ancient square is a living museum of traditional art, architecture, and culture. In this blog post, we will explore the beauty, history, and attractions of Bhaktapur Durbar Square, making it clear why it is a must-visit destination for anyone exploring Nepal.

Historical Significance of Bhaktapur Durbar Square

Bhaktapur Durbar Square is a testament to the grandeur of Nepal’s past, reflecting the rich history of the Malla dynasty.

  • Ancient Capital: Bhaktapur, also known as Bhadgaon, was once the capital of Nepal during the Malla Kingdom from the 12th to the 18th century.
  • UNESCO World Heritage Site: The square was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979, recognizing its historical and cultural significance.
  • Architectural Marvels: The area is renowned for its stunning Newar architecture, intricate wood carvings, and exquisite metalwork.

Key Attractions in Bhaktapur Durbar Square

1. 55-Window Palace

The 55-Window Palace is one of the most iconic buildings in Bhaktapur Durbar Square.

  • Historical Residence: Built in the 15th century, this palace was the residence of Bhaktapur's royal family.
  • Architectural Beauty: The palace is famous for its 55 intricately carved wooden windows and the golden gate.

2. Vatsala Temple

This beautiful stone temple is dedicated to the goddess Vatsala Devi.

  • Shikhara Style: The temple is built in the Shikhara style, reminiscent of North Indian architecture.
  • Stone Carvings: It features exquisite stone carvings and a large bell known as the Taleju Bell.

3. Nyatapola Temple

Nyatapola Temple is the tallest pagoda-style temple in Nepal.

  • Five Stories: Built in 1702, the five-story temple is dedicated to the goddess Siddhi Lakshmi.
  • Symbolic Guardians: Each tier of the temple is guarded by stone figures, including wrestlers, elephants, lions, griffins, and deities.

4. Bhairab Nath Temple

A significant religious site, the Bhairab Nath Temple is dedicated to the god Bhairab.

  • Three-Tiered Structure: This pagoda-style temple features a three-tiered roof and intricate woodwork.
  • Festivals: The temple is central to many local festivals and rituals, including the famous Bisket Jatra.

5. Dattatreya Square

Located a short walk from the main Durbar Square, Dattatreya Square is another highlight.

  • Dattatreya Temple: Built in 1427, the temple is dedicated to the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.
  • Wood Carving Museum: The square houses a museum showcasing traditional wood carvings and artifacts.

Activities and Experiences in Bhaktapur Durbar Square

1. Exploring Local Crafts

Bhaktapur is famous for its traditional crafts, including pottery and weaving.

  • Pottery Square: Visit Pottery Square to see local artisans at work and try your hand at pottery making.
  • Handicraft Shops: Explore shops selling handmade masks, thangkas (Buddhist paintings), and wooden carvings.

2. Sampling Newari Cuisine

The Newari people of Bhaktapur are known for their unique and delicious cuisine.

  • Local Delicacies: Try local dishes like Juju Dhau (king curd), Chatamari (Newari pizza), and Bara (lentil patties).
  • Traditional Restaurants: Enjoy a meal in traditional Newari restaurants, many of which are located in beautifully restored buildings.

3. Cultural Festivals

Bhaktapur hosts several vibrant festivals throughout the year.

  • Bisket Jatra: Celebrated in April, this festival marks the Nepalese New Year with chariot processions, rituals, and celebrations.
  • Indra Jatra: A major festival in September, it involves the display of sacred images, traditional dances, and music.

Travel Tips for Visiting Bhaktapur Durbar Square

  • Best Time to Visit: The best times to visit are during spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is pleasant.
  • Entry Fees: There is an entry fee for foreign visitors, which helps in the preservation of the site.
  • Local Guides: Hiring a local guide can enhance your visit by providing in-depth information about the history and significance of the area.
  • Respectful Attire: Dress modestly, especially when visiting temples and religious sites.


Bhaktapur Durbar Square is more than just a historical site; it is a vibrant cultural hub that offers a glimpse into Nepal’s rich past. Whether you are an architecture enthusiast, a history buff, or simply a curious traveler, Bhaktapur Durbar Square promises an unforgettable experience. Make sure to include this remarkable destination in your Nepal travel itinerary to witness the grandeur of ancient Nepal and immerse yourself in its enduring legacy.

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